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It also appears that since we have vocal cords, even if we have 2,000 years of
thought swapping technologies, thus no need to communicate verbally, we will still have vocal cords,
albeit slightly de-evolved. In talking about this in a think tank which is online; I
had mentioned that most likely since everyone's brain is formatted a little bit differently -
that is to say that they store and share information, and are slightly organized differently,
it will be a little more tricky than merely going and buying an iPhone, the
size of a fingernail and implanted it into your brain.In Arthur C. Perhaps you'd like
to spend a few minutes thinking about this article, and the theoretical and potential strategies
we can use to create it.Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tn Requin Tank,
a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general
all around brilliant minds. What the device looks like, may not be as important as
what it does.Each device will have to be custom tailored to each individual's brain. And
once the device figures out how the brain is wired, where all the memories are
stored, and how it is processing various types of thoughts through which neural networks, it
can then assess the best way to grab those thoughts and turn it into a
digital code.Once it is put into a digital code, the thoughts can then be sent
to another device which reads that digital code, and then converts it to another person's
brain in the format in which that organic devise can read it, and Tn Requin in this
way it will be sending thoughts; see it. You see, just like humans still have
what looks to be a tail bone at the bottom of the backbone, things change.Indeed,
humans have also been wearing nice protective footwear, and yet we still have toes, and
a rather weird shaped foot, which seems to be a throw-back to prehistoric times, and
a combination of attributes, and bones trying to do all sorts of things. Unfortunately, when
Arthur C. In the future, it has been reasoned by many futurists, and high-tech entrepreneurs
that thought swapping will be the way that humans communicate. Clarke wrote that, he probably
hadn't figured out that Moore's Law was in play, and the cap will be more
like something the size of a finger nail or grain of rice. Clarke's "3001" he
envisioned a helmet looking device which would allow the brain to do this, where everyone
in the advanced civilization would be able to communicate through this cap like device. Lance
Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.WorldThinkTank.net. Whereas, this has worked in the
past for human evolution, given another 5000 years, the human foot will also evolve, it's
much more complicated than necessary, and with a new pair of New Balance or Nike
shoes being worn all the time, it just doesn't make any sense.Now then, even though
many futurists have reasoned that in the future we will have thought swapping abilities to
communicate, none of them seem to be able to agree on which technologies will get
us there. Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow..
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